२८ फाल्गुन २०८१, बुधबार | Wed Mar 12 2025

Nepal’s Strategic Significance in Changing Geopolitics of the World


-Mahendra Gautam

“Nepal is Yam between Two Boulders”, the statement emerged inside the mind of a visionary king who could prophet the challenges of state existence of the country he created. Prithivi Narayan Shah, the father of modern Nepal was expansionist in the eyes of so-called postmodern progressive chauvinists of Nepal who advocate for cultural transformation by erasing what society has been offering for years. The statement bears massive significance even at present since the World politics of the century rests on two Asian giants China and India and Nepal, a buffer in-between. This geopolitical sensitivity was envisioned by a statesman way before it actually happening. Needless to say Nepal’s political, diplomatic and administrative mechanism could not apprehend the fact even today. Country at present has become a massive playground of international players.

Nepal’s geopolitical conditioning possesses huge significance positioning between world’s emerging economic and military powers China and India. Since 1990s China has achieved not less than 10 percent annual economic growth rate for about twenty years and it has been progressing with more than six percentage annual economic growth rate in recent years. India on the other has been making the annual economic growth rate of about six percentage in recent few years. Both countries together keep almost half of the total world population, share two times greater annual world GDP than USA. It reflects the glittering future of Asia in the days to come.

After the dissolution of USSR in 1990s USA became the sole super power in the world. The duo-political world geopolitics changed into unipolar. However, September 9/11 changed the future of USA and also the equation of world politics. America’s growing interference on world affairs and developing anti-American sentiment in Islamic world is clear symptoms of changing world geopolitics. Iraq attack worsened the American status as its own allies did not support military action there. Afghanistan war completely damaged the image of America international arena. Time has come to European Union to search their political identity uncovering themselves from Americanism for their independent existence. If that happens military capacity of North Atlantic Treaty Organization will shrink.

Increasing bankruptcy of American Manufacturing companies like General Motors, Coca-Cola etc.  Yelling American decline in the future. Growing transfer of electronic industries to Asia, desire for independent European market, and growing dissatisfaction of members of European Union and their desire for separation, recent erosion of American and European cultural imperialism, growing influence of Asian academic institutions and entertainment industry are heavily contributing to the paradigm shift in world politics.

Rise of Asia in the world politics brings South Asia at the center of gravity. India’s recent alignment with United States leaving Russia shows glimpse of future geopolitical polarization. Growing proximity of China and Russia means a lot in the context of changing power politics of the world. Two Middle East nations Israel and Iran will definitely join United States and China alliance respectively. The inclusion of Islamic countries like Pakistan to the China bloc makes this entente more powerful. Fading Atlantic Era and growing influence of Shanghai Cooperation, where China, Germany and Russia come together, proclaim a great deal balancing world geopolitics. Furthermore China’s Belt and Road Initiatives fuelling China’s power politics in the world.

Nepal’s geographic conditioning exhibits its strategic worth in the context of changing geopolitics. It has become very significant place from where emergence of China and India can be observed closely. The buffer status of Nepal must be a building bridge for China and India otherwise it can be playground for international players. China and India need to explore new means of their relation with each other keeping Nepal at the center considering its geopolitical sensitivity. In the case of Nepal, status of bridge between both the neighbors is only way towards safety and prosperity otherwise it can be squished in between the giants’ trunk.

Growing interest of United States in Nepal reflects its desperation to increase influence in this buffer zone. The world political players are eying to increase their activities in this land realizing need of keeping close eyes to both these potential superpowers of the world. Americans are eager to enter Nepal through Indo- Pacific Strategy and Millennium Challenge Corporation.

China is entering in Nepal far more aggressively in recent time with development cooperation. India is not been able to read the flow and enjoying postcolonial imperialistic approach losing its popularity among the Nepali nationals. Recent activities in Indo- Nepal border are exposing the wicked diplomacy of India where it seems completely unaware of changing dynamics of world geopolitics. If India does not go for correction of its diplomatic course in Nepal, the outcome can be terrible. For Nepal, it is high time to revisit its foreign policy to achieve maximum benefit from the new development of world political scenario balancing both the neighbors.